Presidential Trivia – Free US Presidential Trivia Questions and Answers
US Presidential Trivia
Who called Eisenhower, Hoover and Truman in the early morning hours of November 23, 1963?
A: Lyndon B. Johnson.
Who told Jimmy Carter in a debate: "There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe"?
A: Gerald Ford.
Whose 1800 presidential campaign did the Hartford Courant offer a formal apology for opposing, in 1993?
A: Thomas Jefferson's.
What presidential candidate did Ronald Reagan support when voting for the first time?
A: Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Which First Lady was born Mamie Doud?
A: Maime Eisenhower
In the 60s what was the first name of John F. Kennedy's wife?
A: Jackie
Whose assassination was Sam Seymour the last living witness to, until his death in 1956?
A: Abraham Lincoln's.
What name did romantic George Bush paint on his bomber during World War II?
A: Barbara.
Where was JFK when he said the U.S. "never had to put up a wall to keep our people in"?
A: West Berlin.
What three words did George Bush say before "no new taxes" in 1988?
A: Read my lips.
Who did Abraham Lincoln promote to major general of volunteers after he captured Fort Henry and Fort Donelson?
A: Ulysses S. Grant.
Whose 1823 doctrine said the Western Hemisphere was not open to colonization or aggression by European nations?
A: James Monroe's.
What card game did Dwight D. Eisenhower play fanatically while planning for D-Day?
A: Bridge.
What date saw FDR sign the U.S. declaration of war against Japan?
A: December 8, 1941.
What U.S. president's State of the Union address lasted a record 81 minutes?
A: Bill Clinton's.
What U.S. president was born William Jefferson Blythe IV?
A: Bill Clinton.
What U.S. president had the shortest life?
A: John F. Kennedy.
What former president was on an African hunting trip when his enemy J. P. Morgan quipped: "Let every lion do his duty"?
A: Theodore Roosevelt.
What conspirator in the Lincoln assassination was pardoned for saving the lives of prison guards during a yellow fever epidemic?
A: Dr. Samuel Mudd.
Who was the first president to utter "We shall overcome" before a joint session of Congress?
A: Lyndon B. Johnson.
What future president was the only U.S. senator from a Confederate state to remain in Congress after secession?
A: Andrew Jackson.
What president's mug graces a $100,000 bill?
A: Woodrow Wilson.
What future U.S. president received the last rites of the Catholic Church after an infection following spinal surgery in 1954?
A: John F. Kennedy.
What war saw James Madison become the first U.S. president to command a military unit during his term in office?
A: The war of 1812.
What document did President Andrew Johnson want a copy of placed under his head upon his burial?
A: The U.S. Constitution.
Who was the first daughter of a U.S. president to pose nude for a Playboy video?
A: Patti Davis.
How many U.S. states are named after a president?
A: One.
Who is the only president to have survived two assassination attempts by women?
A: Gerald Ford.
What day does the U.S. president traditionally deliver a weekly radio address?
A: Saturday.
What horse-loving future president cheated on an eye exam to join the cavalry reserves in the 1930's?
A: Ronald Regan.
What U.S. president threw out the most Opening Day baseballs?
A: Franklin D. Roosevelt.
What card game did Dwight D. Eisenhower play fanatically while planning for D-Day?
A: Bridge.
What White House lawyer first revealed the existence of an "enemies list" and "hush money" at the Watergate hearings?
A: John Dean.
What date saw FDR sign the U.S. declaration of war against Japan?
A: December 8, 1941.
What U.S. president installed solar panels on the White House roof?
A: Jimmy Carter.
What First Lady of the 1980s was shocked to find "a tremendous rat" swimming with her in the White House Pool?
A: Barbara Bush.
What future anchor was the only female reporter to tag along with Richard Nixon on his historic trip to China?
A: Barbara Walters.
Who revealed that the U.S. had a hydrogen bomb in his last State of the Union speech?
A: Harry S. Truman
ARTICLE SOURCE: http://www.articlesbase.com/politics-articles/presidential-trivia-free-us-presidential-trivia-questions-and-answers-727684.html