Flowers Types And Flowers Means
Date: 04/27/2014
Flowers was able to symbolize love. But flowers can also symbolize friendship, health, sign up to apologize. Flowers speak more than just love. Create you could ever interest but did not know what that means, read the meaning of the language of flowers below ... Let's check this Out!
# Red roses
there is a reason why red roses is always used language to express love. No wonder, because the color red means love and affection.
# White Roses
This flower is the second choice to express love, which means love is sincere and pure.
# Rose yellow
Do not be ridiculous thinkers first, just because if someone dies of yellow flags placed in front of his house, this is not the flower of death. Contrary yellow roses are a way to tell if you are someone who brings joy and happiness in life.
# Rose Pink
Although not much different color with red, these flowers have different meanings and deeper. This flower symbolizes sincerity of love and hope that you find happiness.
# Tulip Red
It still does not as deep as the rose and frankly hard to find this flower in Indonesia. This is the interest rate is typically Dutch. But this one rates right for another person in love. So, you can create a tulip red means that those who give you fancy flowers.
# Carnation Pink
I actually, this interest is identical with the interest of mothers. But do not be afraid if you get this flowers. Because it means you're not going to forget and interest rates are a sign of apology.
# Lily White
A bouquet of lilies will have meaning within. Happy for you that can never be a lily because it represented a lily reply saying someone today you sweet.
# Aster
This flower has four meanings of the tenderness of love, sincerity, mutual loyalty, and romance.
# Trumpet purple
Purple represents loyalty. That's why this color is widely used by the nobility in Europe. Because there formed the kingdom of loyalty his nobles. Giving flowers to someone is an effective way to ensure you loyal reply.
# Shoes
If you can rate this mean someone is admiring your beauty.
ARTICLE SOURCE: http://www.articlesbase.com/art-articles/flowers-types-and-flowers-means-1339579.html
AUTHOR: Mr. Rohadi