Hi Mike, I have told the story of my kidney problems in the past, but this an addition that needs to be told. I went on a trip across the country and took my SD-501 with me.The first night and the next day we stayed at a friend's home and I was able to connect my unit to the kitchen faucet.The third day, we went to a hotel where I was attending a jazzercise convention and I couldn't connect the SD-501 to the bathroom faucet. I was out of luck. My friends kept encouraging me that I wouldn't have any problem, "just drink plenty of other water," she said.After 3 days of drinking tap water I began to feel the fatigue and aching in my muscles.By the 5th day I was feeling very sick and lethargic. My legs began to ache and I was out of energy a loss of appetite.I met relatives after the convention and we stayed at a B & B for 2 nights.My cousin was able to help me get my machine connected and I drank about 2-3 quarts of Kangen water quickly. Within an hour I felt a difference and my cousins could see it too.It took about 3 more days for me to get totally hydrated again and have that good energy return. I will not be with out my Kangen water again!!!!!
Karen Sorenson

We only started drinking Kangen water a little over a week ago. We took the fast track to 9.5 pH. We started at 8.5 pH. Stephan's back hurt for the next three days-- He was detoxifying. His lower back is the weakest part of his anatomy and is where all of the inflammation and pain is when he gets really sick. After the fist three days we went to 9.0 pH. -- Here comes the great part:Stephan had a cancerous mole on his chest that had turned dark and was growing. Then we started on the Kangen water. Within a week, the newest growth to the mole had turned black, shriveled, and fell off. Praise God! This is a visible example of what is going on inside his body. The bad stuff is having a hard time dealing with its new environment.My skin has always been exceptionally dry -- We're talking flaky if you don't drown yourself in lotion. Since I've been drinking the Kangen water there has been a noticeable change in the texture of my skin. I purposely didn't put any lotion on it for that first week to see if there would be any change. There was! My joints seem to be decreasing in pain. I abuse them everyday, so time will tell
Stephan & Rhonda Crane

Mark Kliens lymphoma cancer is GONE!! I just got off the phone with Mark Klien after I received an email from his wife. Mark was referred by Doctor Anna Gravich in Beverly Hills to me and believes that Kangen water works. He has been drinking the water for 2 1/2 months and purchased the SD-501. He has already referred 5 people already. His former wife Barbara is getting a unit as well. I am very excited
Jon Swandstrom

403 pt drop in her cal 25#
I just got a text message from Patty Webb on the results from her doctor regarding the 403 pt drop in her cal25#. Her count had a 19pt drop when she started back on the water at 8.5 and a drastic drop of 403pts in a two-week period when she started on the 9.5 water!!! Her doctor said that it was not normal for that to happen and he was very surprised and she thanked me for as she said " taking a chance on me." She is almost in the safe zone now with her cancer count at 69, safe zone being 0-35. We will see what the next test shows and hopefully her body will have the support it needs to get rid of this ovarian cancer that she has been told is terminal and there is no cure for. Our bodies have such an amazing ability to heal themselves if we support that healing process. I am so excited about the news that I had to tell all of you about it.
Love to you all, Donna

This is an email from Maureen Pierce. Her husband has liver cancer. He became immune to the chemo therapy treatment. The doctor has had told him that he should go to UCLA to get a very strong chemo treatment at $10,000.00 per week. He had the cancer for the past 2 years and it has gotten worse. He went off the chemo treatment for the past 2 months. I got a phone call from Maureen this morning and this is the e-mail. She was extremely excited! Hi Jon! We got the numbers back today, and we have GREAT NEWS!!!!! His numbers have gone down from 50 to 35 -AMAZING!!!!! and we honestly attribute it all to the Kangen water!!!! This is one of the HARDEST cancers to combat also! I'm so grateful for that water, Jon! Please pass this news on to your skeptical friends!!!!
Fondly, Maureen & John

Dear Jeannette, What a "Blessing" that you came into my life last Weds when I really needed some help. As you could see, I was in a desperate state. I was so tired of fighting this flu in my body for the last 3 weeks and was going fast into the 4th week. I was so weak, I couldn't stand for any length of time and was struggling just to keep my head up.All I wanted to do was go home and crawl back into bed. After you gave me Kangen water on Weds, I went home and started drinking. No. 1. I was amazed on how smooth it tasted and it felt like silk in my mouth. No. 2. It only took a matter of 20 minutes after drinking a 1/4 of the water so far and I had to get a box kleenex due to that I have so much flem in my body and it started to come out. No. 3. I was also on the toilet for a third time.The next day, I felt stronger, but it was the third day after drinking the kangen water that I felt like the floodgates had opened up in my body and everything started to pour out!!! All day long, I continued to drink this water everyday and didn't feel a big difference until Sunday. That is when I could tell I was feeling stronger, not weak, my head was clear and no cramps in my stomach as I was hungry for the first time in weeks. I LOVE THIS WATER!!! And what it helps my body to do. Thank You so much!!!!
Cheryl (Palm Desert)

My twelve year old daughter had a skin disorder on the bottom of her feet and the top of her legs (small red like rash). The dermatologist gave her a prescription for a tube of a steroid cream. She tried the 2.5 Kangen acid instead of putting such a harsh chemical on her skin. After spraying the affected areas a few times a day for two days with the acid water, her skin was soft and completely clear, not a bump to be found! We could not believe our eyes. She now sprays the 2.5 Kangen acid water on all of her cuts, bites and any skin abnormalities. It works like a charm
Beverly Cook (Palm Springs)

Dear friends, In December 2007, I had a health scare that you can probably all relate to. I had detected several lumps in one of my breasts, which prompted me to schedule an appointment with a gynecologist. After having a mammogram, ultra sound, and MRI, she told me the bad news that it appeared I had stage 2 breast cancer.After consulting with a surgeon, the doctors had some questions and decided to redo the test notwithstanding the clear presence of several highly suspicious growths. To their complete amazement, when the tests were repeated, all the growths had disappeared! When they questioned me about this and asked if I was doing anything differently, I told them for about three months, I had been drinking at least two quarts of Kangen water daily.My experience is that although most doctors tend to be somewhat skeptical about anything other than pills and surgery, they readily agree that "whatever you're doing, keep doing it of course". There is absolutely no way that I will stop drinking Kangen water especially since my other health problems including fibromyalgia, asthma, and acid reflux are no longer apparent and I have stopped taking all medications.I strongly encourage all my friends and loved ones to experience the many benefits of using Kangen water. I love giving them this wonderful water and having then tell me how much better they feel after just a few weeks of drinking it
Martha Shafarn (May 21, 2008)