Tap Water Versus Bottled Water-the Best Choice
Without water, humans could not exist. Water is essential for life, it’s life. The situation is now that more and more people are questioning whether the bottled water is safe, or at least safer than tap water since bottled water is everywhere and that billions of litres or gallons are consumed every year with an increasing trend. We have been convinced that it’s the purest drink around. But, according to Eric Goldstein, co-director of the NRDC (U.S. Natural Resource Defence Council) no one should think that bottled water is better regulated, better protected or safer than tap water. For sure, some bottled water comes from sparkling springs, but more than 25 percent of it comes from municipal water. For example, Dasani a Coca-Cola brand comes from Brampton, Ontario and Aquafina a Pepsi brand comes from the municipal water of Philadelphia. The water is treated, purified and sold to consumers at a thousandfold increase in price and most people are surprised to learn they are drinking glorified tap water, but bottlers are nor required to indicate their water sources on their labels. There is a case in U.S., water from a well located near a hazardous-waste site was sold to many bottlers labeling their products as "springwater".
According to a number of studies, claims of purity of some bottled water are far from the truth and may not be as pure as expected. In 1999 the NRDC tested more than 1000 bottles of 103 brands of water and the organization found that one sample from a third of the brands contained bacterial bacterial or chemical contaminants in levels exceeding the standards and the risk is still there. The organization also found that samples of two brands were contaminated with phthalates, in one case exceeding EPA standards for tap water. Phthalates are used to make plastic softer and they can affect body’s normal functions. They probably got into the water during processing at the bottling plant, or were present in the original water source. Ohio State has compared Cleveland’s tap water to 57 samples of bottled water. They found that while most of the bottled water were cleaner, 15 samples had higher bacteria counts than city water.
A lady from Minneapolis has stopped drinking bottled water because she found out that many brands use municipal water and she now drinks only filtered tap water. The water that comes out of your faucets is probably safe. If you are not sure, have it tested and choose a filter. Most cities publish annual drinking water-analysis on their websites. Filtering your water will allow you to remove harmful chemicals like aluminum .
Filters can be provided by well known companies and delivered to your house. Take action now , protect yourself and your family. The choice is yours
ARTICLE SOURCE: http://www.articlesbase.com/alternative-medicine-articles/tap-water-versus-bottled-waterthe-best-choice-498302.html