Ancient Advanced Pre 10,000 b.c civilization
Well, it seems that i need to clear up some issues. Truthful information on this subject is very rare in scientific communities. Some of the scientist are standing up and sounding the real truth beyond our faked history.
This video is neither the best i could give, nor my own production. I'm sorry for that. But for the sake of sceptisizm you could at least try to search the names of the sites on internet, discuss it with your professors or the ones you accept as "legit" scientists.
Purpose of this video was to "awaken certain amount of curiosity" among youtube community, and the purpose is being reached.
Truth is out there if you are willing to embrace it. How can you do that?
By researching yourself. I live in Turkey, and i visited Gobeklitepe myself for example, reach out those sites, at least one of them should be very reachable for you because atlantis was spread literally every continent on earth. Well, let's dont name it as atlan, but the proof of ancient "organised civilisations on earth" is something cannot be ignored today.
You need to discover the meaning of "intuition" an inner knowing. For the most of you this will sound illiterate. But the ancients live their lives that way. They left clues, blueprints of their creation for your intuitive wisdom, it's up to you weather to discover it or not.
Maybe the left brain way of thinking is the cause for their dawnfall? Think about it.
Thank you.
MUSIC USED IN THIS PART IS from the Movie Armageddon and the songs used are:-
Asteroid Chase and The Shuttle Crash
To Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty..
AWAKENING The masses to The Divine Within Themselves!!