NASA unveils its warp drive concept spaceship IXS Enterprise
NASA scientist Dr. Harold White is leading the effort to make interstellar space travel a reality. The IXS Enterprise has been unveiled as the spaceship that would make faster-than-light warp speed flight possible by early next century.
100 Year Starship Project - http://100yss.org
Dr. White SpaceVision 2013 Video - http://bit.ly/1lnPUEx
IXS Enterprise Rendaerings by yard2380 Flickr - http://bit.ly/1nxhkbc
NASA Technical Reports Eagleworks Lab - http://1.usa.gov/1oeaP0o
Gizmodo - http://bit.ly/1oedxTC
Extreme Tech - http://bit.ly/TKA9NN
Daily Mail - http://dailym.ai/1hJ6Ohv
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