Secret 5000 Year Old Vimana Found!
"It looks like in 2010 the U.S. Military discovered an ancient cave in Afghanistan. The cave contained a 5,000 year old spacecraft known as a Vimana. It wasn't easy but we removed the Vimana and transported it back to the USA - Dallas Fort Worth International Airport. NASA has a research area there. By looking around the cave, we have discovered that the Vimana belonged to the Prophet Zoroaster. The Galactic Federation / Andromeda Council found out about it and asked that it be surrendered to the Galactic Federation or else! We refused and tried to reverse engineer it."
Also view the 5 Part Vimana Epics Series for detailed and original videos.
Part One: [https://youtu.be/FpdPEYTDFMo ] “Intro and Ancient Origins” explains the various definitions and ancient texts referencing flying machines; the Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Ashoka Maurya’s Secret Society of Nine.
Part Two: [https://youtu.be/F6EM3CegGUQ] “Samarangana Sutradhara & the MarutSakha” covers the Samarangana Sutradhara as translated by R. Cedric Leonard and the story of Shivkar B%u0101puji Talpade and the MarutSakha.
Part Three-A: [https://youtu.be/v1rb99w6lg4 ] “Vaimanika Shastra” is a critical analysis of said text.
Part Three-B: [https://youtu.be/Ad5yFuKhC-k] “Debunking the Debunker” is a point by point rebuttal to a mainstream debunker of Vimanas.
Part Four: [https://youtu.be/GrBSuvn_w6k ] “Vimanas and Ancient Nuclear War” discusses the myriad of references to ancient warfare in the Indian texts.
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