Incredcon - Orange County Science Fiction Convention

INCREDCON! Sci-Fi Convention
Serving: Orange County, San Diego, Los Angeles

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Tron Light Bike ( Lithium Powered ) - Electric Motorcycle

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Tron Light Bike ( Lithium Powered ) - Electric Motorcycle

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Date: 08/24/2015 . Donate Donate .
Gotta admit, as a Milwaukee kid there is something about the throaty roar of a Harley Davidson that warms the cockles. But the all-electric Light Cycle modeled after the machines in Tron makes a head-snapping case for whisper-quiet technology.

It is the creation of Parker Brothers Choppers out of Texas and Evolve Motorcycles, a made-in-America startup building electric scooters that are actually a zippy good time. Since the latest Lithium ion batteries are so small (thanks, cell phone engineers!), motorcycle designers can go nuts with new concepts and this $55,000 baby is proof.

But the Parker Brothers still love their internal combustion, so we also checked out their grown-up Green Machine, a modern spin on the old Big Wheel rival built around a Harley Davidson engine. Check it out.

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